A podcast on new digital technologies for psychiatry.
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We often hear how "big data," "artificial intelligence," and "digital revolutions" will transform medicine in general and psychiatry in particular. While we may be on the brink of some big changes, more data is needed.
Dr John Torous discusses the need to balance the potential of technology with current clinical realities and scientific evidence. Understanding what technology can, and cannot, do today can inform us about what it will do tomorrow.
Dr Torous is a fellow in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Digital Psychiatry Editor for Psychiatric Times. Twitter: @JohnTorous.
Mentioned in this podcast:
Bloss CS, Wineinger NE, Peters M, et al. A prospective randomized trial examining health care utilization in individuals using multiple smartphone-enabled biosensors. PeerJ. 2016;4:e1554.
MIT Media Lab. Marvin Minsky, “father of artificial intelligence,” dies at 88. MIT. January 25, 2016.