January 31st 2025
Psychiatry may often encounter suicide and homicide, but what is its relationship with ecocide and genocide?
January 10th 2025
What actions can mental health clinicians take to reduce climate instability?
December 10th 2024
How can we prevent heat-related illness in patients with psychiatric disorders, who are more vulnerable to heat?
October 29th 2024
Should politicians be more interested in climate change to improve US mental health?
September 3rd 2024
The impact of plastics on health is an area of increasing concern.
The Change in the Weather...
The change in the weather indicates a potential public health emergency...
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The Complexity of Climate Change as a Determinant of Mental Health
How does climate change affect mental health in individuals and communities?
The Lessons of COVID-19 as We Face the Challenge of Climate
How can we mitigate climate issues without harming working Americans?
Locating Environmental Factors in Mental Disorders Within a Biopsychosocial Model
What are the connections between environmental factors and the development of mental disorders?
The 2024 APA Annual Meeting: Wednesday, May 8
Here are highlights from the last day of this year’s APA Annual Meeting.
Poster Explores Connections Between Suicide, Temperature at the 2024 APA Annual Meeting
“Our results indicate that prior assessments significantly underestimated the association between ambient temperature and suicide.”
From the Pages of Psychiatric Times: April 2024
The experts weighed in on a wide variety of psychiatric issues for the April issue of Psychiatric Times.
Unraveling Minds: The Impact of Global Climate Change on Mental Health
Climate change is a global public health crisis.
Exploring the Connections Between Mental Health and Our Environment
The articles in this Psychiatric Times Special Report highlight the relationship of health to the environment.
It’s Earth Day: Paper or Plastic?
Happy Earth Day!
Celebrating Earth
"Earth Day is a poignant reminder of our collective responsibility for the ecosystem and how environmental factors impact mental health."
Our Brains Need Us to End Plastic Pollution
How can we halt the plastic crisis and end plastic pollution once and for all?
Divisive Tribalism Worsens the Mental Health Impact of the Climate Emergency
How does divisive tribalism handicap our efforts to solve the climate emergency?
The Year in Cover Stories 2023
Here are highlights from some of the year’s top features in Psychiatric Times from throughout 2023.
Climate and Our Role as Public Health Advocates
What is the psychiatrist’s role in climate change? One reader responds.
The Week in Review: November 13-17
From sleep disturbances in ADHD to psychotherapy for treatment-resistant depression, here are highlights from the week in Psychiatric Times.
Changing the Way Climate Change Psychiatry Is Researched: A Medical Student Perspective
A recent study serves as a model for future studies and lists several implications for the future of climate change psychiatric research.
We Cannot Abandon Youth to Climate Anxiety
Children have real worries driven by real threats when it comes to climate change.
Climate Change: No Personal Beliefs Should Increase Children’s Anxiety
One reader believes psychiatrists and mental health clinicians should approach climate change with skepticism.
From the Pages of Psychiatric Times: October 2023
The experts weighed in on a wide variety of psychiatric issues for the October 2023 issue of Psychiatric Times.
Beyond Climate Therapy
The effects of climate change impact everyone and we need to pay attention.
Testing the Principles of Transformational Community: What We Can Learn From the Burning Man Mudpocalypse About a Civilization Under Climate Duress
The 2023 Burning Man gave us a glimpse into the power of community under climate duress.
Running Wild: The Impact of Wildfires on Mental Health
Climate change plays a pivotal role in the recent surge of wildfires, and their impact on mental health. How can you, as a clinician, help those impacted by these disasters, specifically children and adolescents?
To Assume Among Them the Powers of the Earth
Explore the medical ethics associated with the case of Held v Montana.
In the Courtroom, A Psychiatrist’s Perspective: Youth Take Case to Court to Protect Their Futures and Win
A psychiatrist shares her first-hand experience with the landmark case of Held v State of Montana.
Psychiatry in the Courtroom: Climate Disruption and ACEs