"Can a Depressed Parent be A Good Parent? You Bet!" This campaign, launched by the Children's Hospital in Boston and Screening for Mental Health, Inc. aims to raise awareness of parental depression and encourage parents to openly talk about their illness with their children.
As part of the 2003 National Depression Screening Day (NDSD) on Oct. 9, the Children's Hospital Boston and Screening for Mental Health Inc. have collaborated on a campaign to raise awareness about the impact of parental depression on families.
The campaign--called "Can A Depressed Parent Be A Good Parent? You Bet!"--will feature brochures to be distributed at NDSD sites, including primary care sites.
Based on an intervention developed by William R. Beardslee, M.D., psychiatrist-in-chief at the Children's Hospital Boston, the campaign encourages depressed parents to talk with their children about their illness.
Psychiatrists interested in hosting an NDSD event can contact Screening for Mental Health Inc. at (781)239-0071 or visit their Web site at <www.mentalhealthscreening.org>--TB