Call for Challenging Cases


Got a challenging case-a patient for whom the diagnosis is unclear or uncertain? Want a diagnostic opinion? This is a call for cases. Michael First, MD-a nationally recognized expert on psychiatric diagnosis and assessment issues-will review details and offer insights on select cases.

Michael First, MD

Michael First, MD

“Got a challenging case-a patient for whom the diagnosis is unclear or uncertain? Want a diagnostic opinion?

If so, we invite you to submit a brief description of key clinical details (no more than 800 words) plus a description of why you find the case to be diagnostically challenging.

Michael First, MD-nationally recognized expert on psychiatric diagnosis and assessment issues will review those details and offer insights on select cases.

Dr First, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University, is the Editorial and Coding Consultant for DSM-5, Chief Technical and Editorial Consultant on the WHO’s ICD-11 Revision project, an external consultant to the NIMH’s RDoC (Research Domain Criteria) Project and author of a number of books about psychiatric diagnosis, including the DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis.”

Only submissions from mental health professionals will be considered. Please include your name and degree with your case along with an e-mail address in case Dr. First needs to contact you for additional information. To help preserve confidentiality, if your case is selected for publication in Psychiatric Times, your name will not appear.

AMENDMENT TO OUR INVITATION: If you are a nurse or nurse practitioner, you may send your case to for consideration. -The Editors

Please submit your cases to Thank you.

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