There was combat in Nam and I let my hair grow long, went to college, studied orgo until I became draft exempt...
There was combat in Nam
and I let my hair grow long,
went to college, studied orgo
until I became draft exempt
in med school. My patients
were vets from WWII and Korea,
bitter, blue-collared men
whose cirrhosis and substance
abuse became my doctor DNA.
Now, my med student daughter
volunteers for soldiers shattered
in Iraq, her own back screwed
titanium tight after a taxi crash.
She knows these vets in her bones,
knows about rest and rehab,
how a crushed spine knits.
And we both know how words
start recovery, like her
surgeon’s pledge, “I will do
my best to take good care of you,”
both of us making that promise
to every new patient,
another strand of shared DNA.