

PTSD Research Roundup: April 26, 2024


What is new in research on posttraumatic stress disorder?

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In this Research Roundup, we explore new studies on common comorbidities and promising interventions associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

EMDR vs Narrative Therapy for Survivors of Childhood Abuse With PTSD

This study compared the effectiveness of 2 phase-based treatments, STAIR with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and STAIR with Narrative Therapy (NT), for PTSD in adults with childhood-onset trauma. Both treatments significantly reduced PTSD symptom severity, depression, anxiety, and other related symptoms, with effects maintained up to 12 months post-intervention.

No significant differences were found between the 2 treatment approaches, leading the investigators to conclude that, “PTSD in adult survivors of childhood interpersonal trauma can effectively be treated by phase-based interventions using either EMDR or NT in the trauma-processing phase.”


Wigard I, Meyerbröker K, Ehring T, et al. Skills training followed by either EMDR or narrative therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in adult survivors of childhood abuse: a randomized controlled trialEur J Psychotraumatol. 2024;15(1):2332104.

Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Comorbidities in Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This study investigated the prevalence and comorbidity of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), depression, and anxiety among health care workers in Fangcang shelter hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings revealed that around 10% to 13% of health care workers reported PTSS, depression, or anxiety symptoms, with a significant portion experiencing comorbidity of 2 or 3 mental disorders.

Various factors such as medical profession, working hours, and patient contact were associated with mental health outcomes. Additionally, bridge symptoms between PTSS and depression, as well as between PTSS and anxiety, were identified, suggesting potential targets for intervention and treatment.


Ouyang H, Wu L, Yan W, et al. Network analysis of the comorbidity between post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety symptoms among frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemicTher Adv Psychopharmacol. 2024;14:20451253241243292.

Association Between Compassion, Trauma Exposure, and PTSD Symptom Severity

This study aimed to investigate whether empathy and compassion influence the risk of developing PTSD after war-related trauma among refugees and migrants from Arabic-speaking countries. Results showed that behavioral compassion, rather than self-reported compassion or empathy, significantly moderated the link between trauma and PTSD symptoms. Specifically, individuals with higher levels of behavioral compassion exhibited lower PTSD symptoms following trauma.

“Findings indicate that the ability to go beyond the sharing of others’ suffering and generate the positive feeling of compassion may support resilience in the context of trauma and subsequent development of PTSD,” the investigators concluded. “Hence, compassion may be a suitable target for prevention and intervention approaches reducing PTSD symptoms after trauma.”


Wesarg-Menzel C, Gallistl M, Niconchuk M, et al. Compassion buffers the association between trauma exposure and PTSD symptom severity: findings of a cross-sectional studyPsychoneuroendocrinology. Published online March 28, 2024.

Note: This Research Roundup was prepared with the assistance of ChatGPT.

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