Barry Blackwell, MD

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Dr Blackwell is a psychiatrist and psychopharmacologist. He is the retired professor and chair of psychiatry at the Milwaukee Campus of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine (1980-1992). He trained in medicine at Cambridge University and Guy’s Hospital, and in psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital in London. He migrated to the US in 1968, and served in a variety of academic, clinical, and research positions. He has received many awards and honors, including National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Administrator’s Meritorious Achievement Award for Homeless Mentally Ill (1991), American Psychiatric Association Warren Williams Award for Community Services (1992), and National Alliance on Mental Illness Exemplary Psychiatrist (1993). Professional volumes authored by him include Discoveries in Biological Psychiatry (with Ayd F, 1970, Lippincott), Psychiatric Case Formulations (with Sperry, Faulkner, and Gudeman, 1992, American Psychiatric Press), and Treatment Compliance and the Therapeutic Alliance (1997, Harwood Academic Publishers). He served as deputy editor to Thomas Ban on The Oral History of Psychopharmacology (Vols 4,7, and 9). His most recent book is Treating the Brain: An Odyssey (2020, INHN Publisher).


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