February 10th 2025
Did you watch the Super Bowl?
February 5th 2025
Is our unlimited access to mass media causing more mental health issues?
January 28th 2025
How does affluence impact mental health outcomes?
January 23rd 2025
How can we prevent brain rot?
January 7th 2025
Nuclear war capability: why we should be worried psychiatrically.
Apologizing To, and Learning From, Native Americans
There have been spotty and minor reparations to Native Americans, including one this year to Sacheen Littlefeather.
The Dog and Doggone Days of Summer
Here’s why we need to better prepare for the doggone days of summer.
Cybercriminal Exploitation of Cognitive Biases: A Brain Capital Perspective
How prioritizing brain health and brain skills could offer new solutions to this challenge.
The Violinist Joshua Bell and the Goldwater Rule: The Psychological Power of Context
Would you recognize one of the greatest musicians in a subway station?
That’s What Friends Are Psychologically For!
You’ve got a friend in me…
How Would You Tackle Mental Health Disparities?
Targeted and collaborative efforts are needed at individual and systemic levels to address underlying causes of mental health disparities.
The Biocognitive Model for Biopsychosocial Psychiatry: Niall McLaren, MBBS, FRANZCP
Does a computational approach to the mind pave the way for practicing a biopsychosocial psychiatry?
The Youth Mental Health Crisis: Supporting Patients With ASD and ADHD
How can we help this unique patient population thrive? Experts weigh in at the 2022 APA Annual Meeting.
Cults in the Age of Influence
Experts discuss appropriate interventions for patients who are victims of undue influence at the 2022 APA Annual Meeting.
June is Bustin’ Out All Over and I am Bustin’ Out a New Gun Prevention Model: DIGS, Dads Into Gun Safety!
Do you have an idea for how to reduce gun violence?
Is the Plague of Mass School Shootings in the US Here to Stay?
Unless there are substantive societal changes at many levels, the answer may be yes.
The Importance of Psychosocial Stress Explored at the 2022 APA Annual Meeting
How do social stressors contribute to patient symptoms?
Physicians Point to SDOH as Area of Improvement for Health Care
8 in 10 physicians believe the United States cannot improve health outcomes or reduce health care costs without addressing social factors that affect patient health.
Possible Psychiatric Solutions to Reduce Harmful Hate After the Buffalo Killings
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
Aging, Ageism, and the Attitude of Youth
Is the United States ageist?
Upon the Shores of Social Construction
Sami Timimi, MD, shares his thoughts on alienation and ADHD, and what role current systems of mental health play.
No Foolin’! There’s at Least 100 Social Psychiatric Problems
Happy April Fool’s Day!
The Oscars Ceremony Needs to be Reviewed Too
Is the infamous slap from the Oscars an example of systemic violence?
“My Life Today is Wonderful. I Believe that I Am Needed.”
Reflections from the Russo-Ukrainian war and the importance of being needed.
If Looks Could Kill
How the fetishization of Black bodies and the weaponization of European beauty standards are used against Black women in sport.
A Tale of Thanatos and Two Invasions
Is our destructiveness our own undoing?
Psychiatry and the Psychodynamics of Societal Paranoia
Can psychiatry play a constructive role in understanding societies where conspiracy theories flourish?
Fighting Frontal Fatigue
New book explores the effects of modern life and technology on mental illness.
The Social Psychiatric Importance of the 2022 Presidents Day for the USA and Our APA
Presidents Day may be a good signifier of the changing times.
Putting the New Framework into Practice
Evaluating a new framework for evaluating undue influence and its implications for elder abuse and human trafficking cases.
The Lost Art of Empathy
Empathy has been declining worldwide. How can we bring it back to society?
Malingering as a Maladaptive Pattern of Survival During the Pandemic
Malingering is a common challenge for emergency department clinicians, particularly during the pandemic. Here are 3 cases of COVID-19–induced malingering.
Happy Valentine's Day!
This Valentine's Day, we've got you covered...
A New Framework: Exploring Efficacy
How can we more effectively evaluate undue influence? Here are methodologies and findings for research into a new framework that may help victims of undue influence find justice.
Self-Forgiveness: A Step Closer to Healing
Healing our relationships, and ourselves, through acts of self-care, compassion, and grace.
Social Behavior
Latest News
February 10th 2025
Did you watch the Super Bowl?
February 5th 2025
Is our unlimited access to mass media causing more mental health issues?
Christina B. Smith, MD
January 28th 2025
How does affluence impact mental health outcomes?
January 23rd 2025
How can we prevent brain rot?
January 7th 2025
Nuclear war capability: why we should be worried psychiatrically.
More News
Apologizing To, and Learning From, Native Americans
There have been spotty and minor reparations to Native Americans, including one this year to Sacheen Littlefeather.
The Dog and Doggone Days of Summer
Here’s why we need to better prepare for the doggone days of summer.
Cybercriminal Exploitation of Cognitive Biases: A Brain Capital Perspective
How prioritizing brain health and brain skills could offer new solutions to this challenge.
The Violinist Joshua Bell and the Goldwater Rule: The Psychological Power of Context
Would you recognize one of the greatest musicians in a subway station?
That’s What Friends Are Psychologically For!
You’ve got a friend in me…
How Would You Tackle Mental Health Disparities?
Targeted and collaborative efforts are needed at individual and systemic levels to address underlying causes of mental health disparities.
The Biocognitive Model for Biopsychosocial Psychiatry: Niall McLaren, MBBS, FRANZCP
Does a computational approach to the mind pave the way for practicing a biopsychosocial psychiatry?
The Youth Mental Health Crisis: Supporting Patients With ASD and ADHD
How can we help this unique patient population thrive? Experts weigh in at the 2022 APA Annual Meeting.
Cults in the Age of Influence
Experts discuss appropriate interventions for patients who are victims of undue influence at the 2022 APA Annual Meeting.
June is Bustin’ Out All Over and I am Bustin’ Out a New Gun Prevention Model: DIGS, Dads Into Gun Safety!
Do you have an idea for how to reduce gun violence?
Is the Plague of Mass School Shootings in the US Here to Stay?
Unless there are substantive societal changes at many levels, the answer may be yes.
The Importance of Psychosocial Stress Explored at the 2022 APA Annual Meeting
How do social stressors contribute to patient symptoms?
Physicians Point to SDOH as Area of Improvement for Health Care
8 in 10 physicians believe the United States cannot improve health outcomes or reduce health care costs without addressing social factors that affect patient health.
Possible Psychiatric Solutions to Reduce Harmful Hate After the Buffalo Killings
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
Aging, Ageism, and the Attitude of Youth
Is the United States ageist?
Upon the Shores of Social Construction
Sami Timimi, MD, shares his thoughts on alienation and ADHD, and what role current systems of mental health play.
No Foolin’! There’s at Least 100 Social Psychiatric Problems
Happy April Fool’s Day!
The Oscars Ceremony Needs to be Reviewed Too
Is the infamous slap from the Oscars an example of systemic violence?
“My Life Today is Wonderful. I Believe that I Am Needed.”
Reflections from the Russo-Ukrainian war and the importance of being needed.
If Looks Could Kill
How the fetishization of Black bodies and the weaponization of European beauty standards are used against Black women in sport.
A Tale of Thanatos and Two Invasions
Is our destructiveness our own undoing?
Psychiatry and the Psychodynamics of Societal Paranoia
Can psychiatry play a constructive role in understanding societies where conspiracy theories flourish?
Fighting Frontal Fatigue
New book explores the effects of modern life and technology on mental illness.
The Social Psychiatric Importance of the 2022 Presidents Day for the USA and Our APA
Presidents Day may be a good signifier of the changing times.
Putting the New Framework into Practice
Evaluating a new framework for evaluating undue influence and its implications for elder abuse and human trafficking cases.
The Lost Art of Empathy
Empathy has been declining worldwide. How can we bring it back to society?
Malingering as a Maladaptive Pattern of Survival During the Pandemic
Malingering is a common challenge for emergency department clinicians, particularly during the pandemic. Here are 3 cases of COVID-19–induced malingering.
Happy Valentine's Day!
February 14th 2022This Valentine's Day, we've got you covered...
A New Framework: Exploring Efficacy
How can we more effectively evaluate undue influence? Here are methodologies and findings for research into a new framework that may help victims of undue influence find justice.
Self-Forgiveness: A Step Closer to Healing
Healing our relationships, and ourselves, through acts of self-care, compassion, and grace.