February 5th 2025
We need more psychiatric upstanders...
Is our unlimited access to mass media causing more mental health issues?
January 28th 2025
How does affluence impact mental health outcomes?
January 23rd 2025
How can we prevent brain rot?
January 7th 2025
Nuclear war capability: why we should be worried psychiatrically.
Culturally Sensitive Care
Traditional mental health approaches may not meet the needs of a culturally diverse community...
Going Alone: How COVID-19 and Racism Are Exposing Gaps in AAPI Mental Health Care
The wave of anti-Asian sentiment has exposed flaws in the health care system. What can psychiatry do to help?
Summertime and Living Easier (At Least for Some)
This week, let's focus on the positive.
From Conflict to Peace in 3 Days: Juneteenth, Refugees, Yoga, and Our Fathers
How are events from last week tied together?
Modern Medieval Artist
"While I watch the artist paint, I imagine him in the time of plague..."
War—What Is It Good For? Perhaps Modern Psychopharmacology
Sometimes the war represented more of a hiatus in ongoing research, which was later resumed. In other cases, it led to displacement or imprisonment.
10 Archetypes of Fatherhood in Films
Which father figure are you?
What I Learned at my 50th Medical School Reunion
The way were were back then, the way we are now, and maybe how we will be...
Bridging the LGBTQI Gap in Care: Why Psychiatrists Need To Do More To Treat These At-Risk Communities
The uneasy relationship between psychiatry and the LGBTQI continues to evolve. How can it be influenced for the better?
What Is an SGM Community?
What terms are used to describe SGM and LGBTQ+ identities?
Reflecting on Psychiatry’s Role in Religion
Psychiatry and spirituality have many things in common, including family dynamics, self-care, emotional intelligence, trauma healing, and suicide prevention.
The Negative Impact of Current Legislation on Gender Diverse Adolescents
Due to discrimination's negative impact, transgender and gender-nonconforming youth are several times more likely than the rate of their cisgender peers to have depression and anxiety.
Special Considerations for SGM Youth Online
Online environments have revolutionized the lives of young SGM individuals, but also created unforeseen issues...
What Constitutes an SGM Community?
What academic terminology should be used when describing sexual and gender minority patients?
The Mental Health of SGM Youth: Embracing Affirmation
Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness until 1973. We have come a long way, but there is a lot further to go...
What Would Yoda Say? May the Force Be With Us
"You must unlearn what you have learned..."
An Interfaith Psychiatrist Prescription for Middle East Peace
A cease fire is welcome, but a far cry from what we want to achieve—lasting Middle East peace.
Going Maskless
Over a third of older Americans aren't comfortable taking off their masks until 2022.
In Memoriam: Their Ethical Ways
These 4 psychiatrists addressed some of the most complicated and important ethical challenges.
How to Talk to Patients About Firearms
These 4 questions can help in your discussion about firearm risk mitigation...
Global Problems Call for Global Solutions: Climate Change in Asian Communities
How might droughts and monsoons in India and China lead to problems in American clinics?
The Trip Resumes for Psychedelics, Psychiatry, and Society
There's a long history of psychedelics...
COVID-19 Loneliness
The pandemic has kept people apart. What are the mental health consequences of being alone? And what would be the benefits of getting back together?
Rising From the Ashes of Oppression
These 4 disastrous climate change events affected Black Americans disproportionately…
Mothers, Mother's Day, and the Mother's Mother
Mothers may have been erroneously viewed by psychiatry in the past. What's known now?
The Effects of Climate Change on Hispanic and Latinx Communities
Ultimately, the climate change crisis underlies an already growing mental health crisis and Hispanic/Latinx heterogeneity shapes different patterns of environmental injustice.
A Psychiatric Association to a Birthday
Take a closer look into the meanings of birthdays...
The Tip of the Iceberg for Women in Academic Psychiatry
Young, professional women in academic psychiatry are facing down the iceberg: gender discrimination.
Fostering Human Connection in a Sustainable Virtual World
How can psychiatry meet its ethical duty to mitigate climate change while also promoting collegiality at conferences?
Can Psychiatry Sustain Connections While Hosting Sustainable Conferences?
Sustainability is more than just cutting carbon emissions. It means creating a system where all of us can thrive—not just survive.
Social Behavior
Latest News
February 5th 2025
We need more psychiatric upstanders...
February 5th 2025
Is our unlimited access to mass media causing more mental health issues?
Christina B. Smith, MD
January 28th 2025
How does affluence impact mental health outcomes?
January 23rd 2025
How can we prevent brain rot?
January 7th 2025
Nuclear war capability: why we should be worried psychiatrically.
More News
Culturally Sensitive Care
Traditional mental health approaches may not meet the needs of a culturally diverse community...
Going Alone: How COVID-19 and Racism Are Exposing Gaps in AAPI Mental Health Care
The wave of anti-Asian sentiment has exposed flaws in the health care system. What can psychiatry do to help?
Summertime and Living Easier (At Least for Some)
This week, let's focus on the positive.
From Conflict to Peace in 3 Days: Juneteenth, Refugees, Yoga, and Our Fathers
How are events from last week tied together?
Modern Medieval Artist
"While I watch the artist paint, I imagine him in the time of plague..."
War—What Is It Good For? Perhaps Modern Psychopharmacology
Sometimes the war represented more of a hiatus in ongoing research, which was later resumed. In other cases, it led to displacement or imprisonment.
10 Archetypes of Fatherhood in Films
Which father figure are you?
What I Learned at my 50th Medical School Reunion
The way were were back then, the way we are now, and maybe how we will be...
Bridging the LGBTQI Gap in Care: Why Psychiatrists Need To Do More To Treat These At-Risk Communities
The uneasy relationship between psychiatry and the LGBTQI continues to evolve. How can it be influenced for the better?
What Is an SGM Community?
What terms are used to describe SGM and LGBTQ+ identities?
Reflecting on Psychiatry’s Role in Religion
Psychiatry and spirituality have many things in common, including family dynamics, self-care, emotional intelligence, trauma healing, and suicide prevention.
The Negative Impact of Current Legislation on Gender Diverse Adolescents
Due to discrimination's negative impact, transgender and gender-nonconforming youth are several times more likely than the rate of their cisgender peers to have depression and anxiety.
Special Considerations for SGM Youth Online
Online environments have revolutionized the lives of young SGM individuals, but also created unforeseen issues...
What Constitutes an SGM Community?
What academic terminology should be used when describing sexual and gender minority patients?
The Mental Health of SGM Youth: Embracing Affirmation
Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness until 1973. We have come a long way, but there is a lot further to go...
What Would Yoda Say? May the Force Be With Us
"You must unlearn what you have learned..."
An Interfaith Psychiatrist Prescription for Middle East Peace
A cease fire is welcome, but a far cry from what we want to achieve—lasting Middle East peace.
Going Maskless
Over a third of older Americans aren't comfortable taking off their masks until 2022.
In Memoriam: Their Ethical Ways
These 4 psychiatrists addressed some of the most complicated and important ethical challenges.
How to Talk to Patients About Firearms
These 4 questions can help in your discussion about firearm risk mitigation...
Global Problems Call for Global Solutions: Climate Change in Asian Communities
How might droughts and monsoons in India and China lead to problems in American clinics?
The Trip Resumes for Psychedelics, Psychiatry, and Society
There's a long history of psychedelics...
COVID-19 Loneliness
The pandemic has kept people apart. What are the mental health consequences of being alone? And what would be the benefits of getting back together?
Rising From the Ashes of Oppression
These 4 disastrous climate change events affected Black Americans disproportionately…
Mothers, Mother's Day, and the Mother's Mother
Mothers may have been erroneously viewed by psychiatry in the past. What's known now?
The Effects of Climate Change on Hispanic and Latinx Communities
Ultimately, the climate change crisis underlies an already growing mental health crisis and Hispanic/Latinx heterogeneity shapes different patterns of environmental injustice.
A Psychiatric Association to a Birthday
Take a closer look into the meanings of birthdays...
The Tip of the Iceberg for Women in Academic Psychiatry
Young, professional women in academic psychiatry are facing down the iceberg: gender discrimination.
Fostering Human Connection in a Sustainable Virtual World
How can psychiatry meet its ethical duty to mitigate climate change while also promoting collegiality at conferences?
Can Psychiatry Sustain Connections While Hosting Sustainable Conferences?
Sustainability is more than just cutting carbon emissions. It means creating a system where all of us can thrive—not just survive.