With several good presentations going on today at EPA 2012, the hardest part was deciding which to attend. The sessions started at 8 this morning, and I decided to go to the Treating Schizophrenia Beyond Antipsychotic Drugs: Cognitive and Metacognitive Interventions.
March 4, 2012
There are several good presentations going on today at EPA 2012; the hardest part is deciding which to attend. The sessions started at 8 this morning, and I decided to go to the Treating Schizophrenia Beyond Antipsychotic Drugs: Cognitive and Metacognitive Interventions.
In his discussion of metacognitive training for schizophrenia, Stephan Moritz of the Metacognition Study Group from Hamburg, Germany, provided a brief overview of the approach he and his colleagues are using in their study. The interventions are made up of modules that target specific domains that are problematic in schizophrenia, such as attributional style, memory, and theory of mind. Their strategy is free to download at http://www.uke.de/kliniken/psychiatrie/index_17380.php (click on the flag with language of your choice).