

Psychiatric Times
Psychiatric Times Vol 26 No 6
Volume 26
Issue 6

Smarmy Psychiatrist Villanelle, 1967

“Is it wise to stay on my pill?I know the question may seem inane.”I’ll answer since you’ve paid your bill.

“Is it wise to stay on my pill?
I know the question may seem inane.”
I’ll answer since you’ve paid your bill.


Without doubt, you are very ill.
But perhaps, to you, that isn’t plain.
It would be wise to stay on your pill.


“Should I risk my family for a moment’s thrill?”
Tell me, dear, would it leave any stains?
Please, don’t worry, I’ll send you my bill.


“I fear my struggle’s all up hill.”
Nothing ventured, dear, nothing gained.
It would be wise to stay on your pill.


“Your words don’t cut with a surgeon’s skill!”
Sorry, I was listening to the rain.
Did I say you paid last month’s bill?


Please, stay longer, we have time to kill.
I need years to treat your kind of pain.
Now’s not the time to go off your pill.
Don’t worry, dear, I’ll send you my bill.

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