February 13th 2025
"It is the winter of chest pain and snow, all the drunks smashed through the ER doors..."
February 5th 2025
Explore the theme of mortality and the fleeting nature of time in a poem inspired by Stoic philosophy and personal reflection.
January 16th 2025
"I begin by remembering my hours as a patient..."
January 1st 2025
A psychiatrist reflects on the New Year and its potential...
December 27th 2024
"This is the moment my therapist would cross his legs, look into my eyes, and wait for me to reveal something."
Conflict of Interest Form
They ask me to sign the moment before my poetry reading and I comply...
The Week the EMR Went Down
We fled the computer room like inmates after lightning fries the prison fence. Then we rounded with nurses who knew the doses and what made patients moan...
Overheard Conversation, ICU
Do I have to speak? I know you know...
I’ve been waiting for one of those nine bare-breasted sisters to land by my side and inspire a sonnet...
Monarchs and the President
The Monarch’s cortex, head of a pin, contains maps of Earth and heavens within...
Listening to Dead Patients
They love to talk like air traffic controllers: “Angle the spinal needle 20 degrees and push gently toward the midline.” And though I don’t say “Roger”...
Ordinary Mornings
Homeless men in Chinatown doorways flick cigarettes and cough, while a dozen nurses forge into Beach Street winter...
Calling in the Script
Covering for a colleague I begin to startle after the tenth call-med refill requests, side effect questions, and suicidal thoughts...
Psychiatry Comic: Fall Rorschach Test
"Tell me what you see."
The Perfectionist
Rotten teeth, dirt creased face, he’d come in for a hot and a cot and collapsed with DTs...
Psychiatry Comic: Ego Massage
There's ego and there's ego.
The Hills of Paraguay
All summer southwest wind stirs the weeping willows the way my breath disturbs a settled life when I whisper the cancer diagnosis...
Yellow Warbler
Soaked in Mexican sunshine he’s powered back to the Berkshires, all the world’s yellow compressed into a firecracker...
The Tarts
I wanted this to be like a fairy tale walk in the woods before kids, careers, blood clots and bone mets...
Birthday Party
Green hills patched with April, snow and I’ve chosen to celebrate. with a full slate of patients.
The Juggler
After he juggles three chainsaws and spins twenty plates balanced on sticks, he moves to the grand finale: ten Bowler hats tossed across the arena and stacked on the ringmaster’s head.
Psychiatry Comic: Anger Management Clinic
When's your teed off time?
We Wrote
We wrote through the night, between moonlight and morning, admissions and discharges, wrote when phones stopped ringing, when pagers stopped paging. We were raw, opening ourselves to chaos and mystery...
Prior Auths
Funny how fast we become prisoners with lost convictions as we fill out the forms, patients getting sicker while they wait.
Wound Healing
My doctor-wife squeezes her needle-nose tweezers and lifts the tiny knots high enough to snip with surgical scissors...
Psychiatry Comic: Holiday Hugs
Please! No more group hugs!
Boogie Child
Our time was Thursday, 5 o’clock, my psychiatrist’s door always opened wide, him wearing a wool sweater, sipping tea, lights dimmed to an endless twilight...
The Pledge
There was combat in Nam and I let my hair grow long, went to college, studied orgo until I became draft exempt...
Musician Injuries
When the soloist lowers her Strad and takes a bow, she reveals the violin’s mark on her throat, which makes me think of Mozart...
Housestaff Haiku
Monday, July 1st...Twenty-two new residents...All with perfect teeth...
Surf Story
I was surfing a long board out past the place where you can still smell Coppertone when a ten foot wave smashed me down into darkness...
Psychiatry Comic: Pathological Resignation
Sometimes it just doesn't pay to fight.
Creativity and Bipolar Disorder: A Fresh Look
People with mood disorders (and those who care about them) are likely to experience a healing reconsideration of their own experiences as they read this book.
Numbers Game
Med school finals, ten backpack pounds of biochem hauled for months, my epiphany: I would never know more about glucose metabolism than that morning...
Psychiatry Comic: Mrs. Freud
Poor Sigmund. Mrs. Freud gave him the slip.