January 23rd 2025
Here's how best to manage polypharmacy in patients with traumatic brain injury.
Serious Delinquency and Gang Membership
April 1st 2005Youth gangs are a recognized risk factor for adolescent violence and delinquency. This article reviews recent research on these topics, including the prevalence, characteristics and influence of youth gangs, and discusses the implications of those findings for clinical practice.
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Traumatic events affect individuals as well as entire communities. In this Special Report on trauma and violence, a number of often forgotten traumatic experiences are described. The individuals exposed to these events are at increased risk of several psychiatric disorders, as well as behavioral changes such as increased alcohol use or cigarette smoking.
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Youth Violence Prevention Conference Explores Risk Factors, Interventions
December 1st 2004Although a lot remains to be learned, much is already known about the early childhood characteristics that predispose children to antisocial behavior and violence in adolescence and early adulthood, an expert in psychopathology said recently at a National Institutes of Health conference.
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Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Sexually Abused Children
September 1st 2004Evidence is growing that trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) is an effective treatment for sexually abused children, including those who have experienced multiple other traumatic events. This article reviews the research that has examined treatments for sexually abused children and suggests future research priorities in this regard.
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Intervention and Prevention of Morbid Psychosocial Outcomes
April 1st 2004Community awareness of traumatic events and their effects on individuals has increased in the last decade. The articles in the special report section of Psychiatric Times enhance our appreciation of the divergent research and clinical efforts being made assist those who have suffered from the consequences of trauma and its aftermath.
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Preventing Violence in Schools
April 1st 2004In the wake of the Columbine school shootings, it is of utmost importance for psychiatrists to be aware of the role they can play in preventing violence and bullying in our schools. What programs have been tried and how have they fared? What are the elements for a successful program?
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Considering PTSD in the Treatment of Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
April 1st 2004The distress and functional impairment associated with PTSD may make it difficult for IPV victims to benefit from interventions to increase their safety and reduce their exposure to violence. Empirically supported PTSD treatments include pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. Incorporating these treatments into interventions to improve victims' safety and reduce exposure to violence may improve their effectiveness in protecting women from IPV.
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Posttraumatic Growth: A New Perspective on Psychotraumatology
April 1st 2004Little attention has been paid in the professional literature to a phenomenon that non-professionals have recognized since ancient times: Trauma can lead to personal growth. This article focuses on how traumatic events set processes in motion that produces new perspectives on the self, relationships and philosophy of life. Implications for clinical work with trauma survivors are discussed.
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Posttraumatic Growth: A New Perspective on Psychotraumatology
April 1st 2004There is a long tradition in psychiatry, reaching at least back to World War I, of studying the response of people who are faced with traumatic circumstances and devising ways to restore them to psychological health. The main focus of this work has been on the ways in which traumatic events are precursors to psychological and physical problems.
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National Trauma: What Are the Consequences of War in the Middle East?
October 1st 2003With never-ending, ongoing conflict in the Middle East, trauma issues become of paramount importance. In some ways, trauma may even be considered to be continual. What are the unique challenges of psychological trauma at this level and how are people in this region coping?
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Trauma and Violence in Childhood: A U.S. Perspective
October 1st 2003This article reviews the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study that examined the association between multiple childhood traumas and health outcomes in adults. These findings have significant public health implications for individuals exposed to childhood trauma, and the authors present a vision for a children's mental health care and wellness infrastructure in the United States derived from the Report of the Surgeon General's Conference on Children's Mental Health.
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Measures To Take After Diagnosis of Violence or Danger
July 1st 2003Once the potential for violent behavior has been identified in a patient, how should it be dealt with? What steps can the clinician take to ensure the physical and legal safety of themselves and their patients? Furthermore, what are the clinician's legal and ethical responsibilities if the patient does commit a violence act?
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Changes in the Concept of PTSD and Trauma
April 1st 2003The majority of people experience acute stress symptoms following trauma, but the development of posttraumatic stress disorder is the exception rather than the rule. Some investigators hypothesize that PTSD develops following increased nervous system response to trauma. Why only a minority of individuals experience this response, what their risk factors are and when should they be treated is the subject of ongoing research.
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Psychiatric Experts Provide 'Answers' During Sniper Saga, But at What Cost?
February 1st 2003While fear stirred the nation during the Washington, D.C.-area sniper episodes, some members of the media were irresponsible in their analysis of the sniper's motives. Has this confirmed the general public's false belief that mental illness is linked to violence?
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Assessing Violence in Patients: Legal Implications
January 1st 2003The threat that a patient may commit an act of violence challenges psychiatrists to wrestle with the legal system as they attempt to successfully build a therapeutic alliance. Patient history, solid medical care, and the duties to warn and to protect must be successfully balanced to navigate the crossroads between psychiatry and the law.
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Psychiatrists and Mandatory Reporting of Domestic Violence
April 1st 2002Mandatory reporting laws rarely require reporting by psychiatrists. Psychiatrists need to treat the patient, rather than act as mandated reporters, and be knowledgeable about the dynamics and consequences of domestic violence and about available community resources and advocates that can help the patient.
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An Early Warning Sign for Violence
September 1st 2001Bullying and being bullied put adolescents at risk for developing violent behaviors. Depression and anxiety are two of the underlying issues related to this type of behavior. Recognizing the warning signs may help mental health care professionals prevent violence in the adolescent's life.
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PTSD Treatment Improves Youths'Academics
May 1st 2001A groundbreaking program at UCLA goes into inner-city schools to help students work through trauma. By learning how to deal with the trauma itself and reminders of the trauma, students are able to improve their academic and social performance.
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National and State Responses to Domestic Violence Challenge
April 1st 2001After a significant delay, the U.S. Congress passed the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act of 2000 to provide support and services to victims of domestic violence. Meanwhile, the findings in the Family Violence Prevention Fund's State by State Report Card on Health Care Laws and Domestic Violence shows state legislation has proved disappointing. Which states do the most in assisting physicians and other health care providers to aid victims of domestic violence?
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Seasonal Variation of Violence
April 1st 2001The author examines how temperature and length of day can affect mood and behavior, both in a general population and a group of inpatients. In both groups, there were two peaks of violent behavior, one in May-June and one in October-November, which correspond with the equinoxes. Is it possible to track violent behavior in various geographical areas depending upon weather and length of day?
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