
Career Fair Schedule

Dr Seeman makes a compelling case for using web-based communications to connect with your patients in real time. She outlines 10 practice tips to help you avoid liability and security risks.


Psychiatric Times Virtual Career Fair



Wednesday April 28, 2010 8am - 12am ET


Session Details

8 am ET
Technology and Malpractice Risk for the Psychiatrist
10 am ET
Putting Email to Work When Communicating with Patients

11am ET

11:30am ET

12pm ET

1pm ET
Using Electronic Media in Clinical Practice
2pm ET
How to Market Your Private Practice: Useful Tools to Improve the Bottom Line


 For registration details, click here



Putting Email to Work When Communicating with Patients
Mary V. Seeman, MDCM

Dr Seeman is professor emeritus in the department of psychiatry at the University of Toronto.

Dr Seeman makes a compelling case for using web-based communications to connect with your patients in real time. She outlines 10 practice tips to help you avoid liability and security risks.




So You Want to Be a Forensic Psychiatrist?James Knoll, IV, MD

Dr Knoll is associate professor of psychiatry at the SUNY Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, where he is director of forensic psychiatry, and director of the forensic psychiatry fellowship at Central New York Psychiatric Center.

Come and listen to Psychiatric Times’ future editor-in-chief talk about a day in the life of a forensic psychiatrist-and what motivated him to chose this subspecialty.



Beyond the Office Practice of Psychiatry
 H. Steven Moffic, MD

Hear H. Steven Moffic, MD discuss a multifaceted approach to practicing psychiatry. Dr Moffic will address your career development questions during a live chat at 11:30 ET.

H. Steven Moffic, MD, has tried to devote his work to underserved and/or misserved populations-including the military, the poor, minorities, the transgendered, and (most recently) prisoners. Dr Moffic is a tenured professor in the departments of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of family and community medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. He has a private practice and has also led a private psychiatric hospital. Dr Moffic’s book The Ethical Way: Challenges and Solutions for Managed Behavioral Healthcare (Jossey-Bass, 1997) was the first on the subject. He has edited ethics columns for 3 psychiatric newsletters


How to Recognize - and Avoid - Professional BurnoutMerry Miller, MD

Professional burnout, with its attendant detrimental effects on career satisfaction and success, is an issue of concern for many practicing psychiatrists. In this podcast Dr Merry Miller addresses the issue of physician burnout. She discusses what the primary causes of burnout are, patient and physician outcomes, and strategies that you can use to avoid burnout.

Dr Merry Miller is professor and chair of the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University. She received her undergraduate education at Rhodes College in Memphis where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a BS in biology. She earned both a Masters Degree in Biochemistry and an MD degree from the University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences in Memphis. She then did her residency training in psychiatry at Duke University, followed by a brief period as a faculty member at Duke. Dr Miller came to ETSU as a faculty member in 1995, became Interim Chair in January 2001, and Chair in May 2002. Her academic interests include women’s mental health and eating disorders.


Using Electronic Media in Clinical PracticeJohn Luo, MD

John Luo, MD is associate professor of clinical psychiatry at the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, department of psychiatry, where he is the Associate Director of Psychiatric Residency Training and Director of Psychiatric Emergency Services. Dr Luo is nationally recognized as an expert on technology in medicine, and he presents at many organizational annual meetings including the American Association for Technology in Psychiatry (AATP), American Psychiatric Association (APA), Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP), and the American Association for Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (AADPRT). His courses on how to use personal digital assistants, smart phones, and computers have been a staple of these scientific programs for over 10 years. He is past-president of AATP, and now serves as its Gores Chair of Informatics Advocacy. He served as the Use of Technology in Education work group chair for AAP and the Committee on Information Technology for APA. In addition, he has written for numerous publications including Psychiatric News, Primary Psychiatry, Psychiatric Times, and Current Psychitiatry. He has worked as a consultant for several health care technology firms, and he has been interviewed by numerous publications on his use of various technologies in medicine. Without question, technology and his technological skills have enabled him to manage all these positions.


How to Market Your Private Practice: Useful Tools to Improve the Bottom LineMarcia L. Brauchler, MPH CPC, CPHQ

If you’re considering going into private practice, you’re probably wondering what you need to do to ensure financial stability. In this podcast, Marcia Brauchler talks about some of the things you can do to market your practice that will help with your bottom line.

Marcia Brauchler, MPH, is president of Physicians’ Ally, Inc., a health care consulting company. She works with physicians on managed care contracts, reimbursement and practice administration. Her experience includes working with non-profit HMO operations’ management, hospital administration, and as the executive director of several Denver independent practice associations. She is a certified professional coder, lecturer, and published author.


Technology and Malpractice Risk for the PsychiatristThe Psychiatrists' Program

Presented by PRMS, the Program Manager. Learn more abou their Medical Professional Liability Insurance designed for psychiatrists.

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