The Fisherman

Psychiatric TimesVol 33 No 1
Volume 33
Issue 1

Tears track his leathered face like seawater spilled from a sinking hull...

Lampedusa Island, Italy

There are heroes in the seaweed.
  -Leonard Cohen

Tears track his leathered face like seawater

spilled from a sinking hull, last night’s catch

hauled from a wreck of scorched Eritrean

refugees who foundered in surge beyond

the Island of Rabbits, hundreds schooled

around a seven meter skiff, his right arm

winching line, twenty survivors dragged

on board before his shoulder froze

and the ship listed starboard, waves

withholding judgment as he red-lined to harbor.

They say a one armed Italian has lost his voice,

and this morning his fluent arm mimes clear air

in graceful arcs and staccato bursts, fist pounding

south, injured arm locked in a sailcloth sling,

torn tendons helpless against gravity,

nails clawing canvas too tough to grip.


“The Fisherman” was commissioned by the Terezin Music Foundation ( to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of  the Nazi concentration camps. The commissioned poems were published by Beacon Press in the 2015 anthology, Liberation: New Works on Freedom From Internationally Renowned Poets.

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