A physician assistant writes a poem inspired by the recent mass shooting in Uvalde.
I felt compelled to write this poem after the mass shooting in Uvalde. Death by bullets is the second leading cause of death in children in this country, second only to motor vehicle accidents. Yet the National Rifle Association held its annual conference just days after the shooting, defending their “right” to own military-style weaponry, designed solely for mass shootings.
The dialogue must change from right to responsibility. We have a responsibility to give our children a safe and inspiring childhood. After all, these children will soon be the leaders of our communities, our nation, and our world.
Mass Shooting
Another mass shooting
This time at a school,
The toll on society
Immeasurable. Cruel.
21 won’t have nightmares
21 will have no pain and
21 will not see
their families again.
Death is the absence of life
and I say
so many more died,
their souls emptied that day.
The mothers, the fathers
The sisters and brothers,
Neighbors and friends
And countless others
But still the gun show
Lives, their beloved bullets taking lives,
Children experiencing horror,
Instead of sweet lullabies.
The more the bullets spray
Into the young and innocent,
The more they worship a hot barrel
For them, all omnipotent.
Pro-gun, pro-life
For me this makes no sense,
Their illogical beliefs,
Hostile, on constant offense.
We search to find an answer
When bullets unabashedly fly
Maybe we can work with each other
Devoid of tempers,
Come. Let us try.
We all are not so different
Some things we can agree,
We all want to see children grow
Up and make their
Dreams reality.
Let’s keep magazines just for reading
Listen to our children: foster their
hopes and beautiful dreams.
Let us honor their short sweet childhood,
Let bullets and other violences
Be something not known or heard or seen.
Let us try with our might
to find ground in the middle.
Where arms are for hugging
Not bullets to riddle.
For children all too soon
Will be leading this nation
Let them have lived in peace
Without fear or aggression.
For living in kindness is easy
Living in fear is not!
Let them grow strong with their dreams
Not cowardly with bullets, and lives lost.
Ms Ala has been a physician assistant for more than 20 years, working mainly in family practice as well as psychiatry. She has psychiatric experience working in corrections as well as inpatient geriatric psychiatry and crisis care at the University of Utah (Huntsman Mental Health Institute). She also served as a volunteer provider for several years at the Impact Clinic in Salt Lake City, a free mental health clinic, founded by Noel C. Gardner, MD. She won a commendation for her poem, “Barriers,” in the Hippocrates Society for Poetry and Medicine poetry contest in 2021. She recently moved to central Maine. She can be reached at vivamus2020@gmail.com.