A psychiatrist reflects on the New Year and its potential...
Auguste Lange/AdobeStock
A new year is among us
and our drum of resolve
beats with a renewed
sense of readiness
for what lies ahead
leaving behind life’s
syncopated rhythms of
last year filled
with joy and sorrow
hope and despair
security and worry
laughter and anger
to focus on the unknown
peaks and valleys for
the 365 day journey
whose tempo cannot
be predicted nor discerned
but the steady
drumbeat of faith will guide
footsteps toward
wisdom’s waterfall
flowing with abundant
Frank A. Clark, MD
Dr Clark is an outpatient psychiatrist at Prisma Health-Upstate and clinical associate professor at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Greenville. He served on the American Psychiatric Association’s Task Force to Address Structural Racism Throughout Psychiatry, and he currently serves as the Diversity and Inclusion section editor and advisory board member for Psychiatric TimesTM.