Shedding Light on Grief, Major Depression, and the Bereavement Exclusion
May 5th 2014The removal of the so-called “bereavement exclusion” (BE) from DSM-5 was one of the most difficult and controversial decisions the DSM-5 work groups made, and many clinicians continue to find the distinction between ordinary grief and major depression confusing.
Comorbidity In Psychiatric Disorders: A Literature Review
January 19th 2013A list of recent articles highlighting the complexity of psychiatric and systemic illness, both in terms of overlapping clinical presentation and in the degrees to which systemic illness and psychiatric illness affect each other.
Generic Drugs, Neuroimaging, Pharmacogenetic Approaches, and More
April 5th 2011Which neuroimaging technologies uses the motion of water molecules to investigate the microstructure and organization of white matter tracts in the brain? Which pharmacogenetic approaches might be used as a predictor of antipsychotic drug response? These questions and more in this quiz.
Quiz on Vicarious Trauma, Working With Other Physicians, and More
January 19th 2011Should malingering be considered more likely than factitious disorder when a patient exhibits pseudologia fantastica? What condition persists for longer than 3 months, accompanies a disease process, and is associated with a bodily injury that has not resolved over time? These questions and more in this interactive quiz.
Chronic Pain and Mood Disorders-Identifying and Understanding Shared Neurophysiological Mechanisms
October 29th 2009The editors of Psychiatric Times interview Vladimir Maletic, MD, PA, clinical professor of neuropsychiatry and behavioral science at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia; founding member of the Integrative Neurobiology Educational Alliance; and member of the U.S. Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress 2009 advisory board.
Mental Illness: Global Challenges, Global Responses
October 1st 2004According to the World Health Organization, five of the 10 leading causes of disabilities worldwide are psychiatric conditions. More than 450 million people worldwide suffer from mental and brain disorders, and nearly 1 million people commit suicide each year. Because of this, many health care organizations and governments are forging partnerships to combat the daunting talk of providing quality health care around the globe.