Bipolar Disorder: Update on Diagnosis


Is bipolar disorder overdiagnosed? Underdiagnosed? Neither? In this podcast, Dr S. Nassir Ghaemi offers his perspective on those questions.

Is bipolar disorder overdiagnosed? Underdiagnosed? Neither?

These questions are the focus of a presentation that S. Nassir Ghaemi, MD, MPH, will make at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, during the symposium “Bipolar Disorder: Update on Diagnosis and Treatment.” In this podcast, Dr Ghaemi offers his perspective on those questions.

Dr Ghaemi is Professor of Psychiatry, and Director of the Mood Disorders Program at Tufts Medical Center, and a member of the Psychiatric Times editorial board.

For more information:Is Bipolar Disorder Overdiagnosed?Is Underdiagnosis the Main Pitfall When Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder? YesIs Underdiagnosis the Main Pitfall in Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder? NoThe Mistaken Claim of Bipolar ‘Overdiagnosis’: Solving the False Positives Problem for DSM-5/ICD-11


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