January 31st 2025
Psychiatry may often encounter suicide and homicide, but what is its relationship with ecocide and genocide?
Gun Violence and Medical Professional Organizations: Political Business as Usual?
November 25th 2019In November 2018, the National Rifle Association (NRA) taunted physicians by tweeting, “Someone should tell self-important anti-gun doctors to stay in their lane.” In response, physicians, including psychiatrists, insisted that firearm death, suicide, injury, and trauma are indeed our lane.
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The Goldwater Rule: What Would Freud and Frankl Have Done?
November 7th 2019How we respond to political issues in society is the quintessential ethical challenge mental health clinicians face today. Should psychiatrists set aside diagnosis of public figures amidst sweeping changes in the United States?
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Vietnam, 50 Years Later: Remembering Those Who Served
November 5th 2018The mental health challenges that arose in Vietnam over the course of the war were in many respects both prodigious and unprecedented. An estimated 200 psychiatrists, including two women, served in Vietnam with the Army, Navy, and Air Force between 1964 and 1973.
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