It's Time for a Mental Health Blue Moonshot!
What is causing our mental health to go awry?
Revolutionizing the Role of Science in Making Health Decisions
Misinformation and disinformation are widespread and having adverse effects on individuals’ health decisions. How can we address the problem?
Future of Adult ADHD
Experts in psychiatry discuss the future of ADHD management as well as challenges when approaching treatment of adult ADHD.
Efficacy and Safety of Treatment Options Utilized in Adult ADHD
Stephen Faraone, PhD; Theresa Cerulli, MD; Craig Chepke, MD, FAPA; and Andrew J. Cutler, MD, discuss efficacy and safety of treatment options in adults with ADHD.
Unmet Needs in the Treatment of Adult ADHD
Craig Chepke, MD, FAPA, and Andrew J. Cutler, MD, discuss unmet needs in adults with ADHD.
Summer Kitchen
"We ate, and talked, and went to bed, And slept. It was a miracle."
Two Related Examples of National Mourning
"Oceans rise, empires fall, we have seen each other through it all..."
Suicide Prevention Month Tips and Insights
How can we help others in September, National Suicide Prevention Month?
Closing Thoughts on DTx and PDTs
Our panel concludes with their final thoughts on using DTx and PDT management.
PDT Coverage: Pharmacy or Medical Benefit?
Three doctors discuss whether PDTs should be covered as a pharmacy benefit or medical benefit.
DTx and PDT Access
Drs Podesta and Aungst elaborate on DTx and PDT access and the impact these therapeutics can have in the behavioral health treatment landscape.
At the Pitch
"If I could only live at the pitch that is near madness..."
Diagnosing Adults With ADHD Based on Patient Presentation
Drs Stephen Faraone, Theresa Cerulli, Craig Chepke, and Andrew J. Cutler discuss how to diagnose adults with ADHD based on patient presentation.
Diagnosis and Management of Adults ADHD Compared to Children
Experts in ADHD compare the diagnosis and management of ADHD in adults and children.
Prevalence of Adult ADHD
Stephen Faraone, PhD; Theresa Cerulli, MD; Craig Chepke, MD, FAPA; and Andrew J. Cutler, MD, discuss the prevalence of adult ADHD.
Accentuate the Positive in Our Growth National Psychology (GNP)
What are the best characteristics of psychiatry?
Using Real-World Evidence to Advocate for DTx and PDTs
A panel of specialists focus on how real-world evidence affects the use and acceptance of digital therapeutics and prescription digital therapeutics, as well as FDA approvals.
DTx, PDTs, and Cost Savings for Payers
Scott Whittle, MD, and Arwen Podesta, MD, confer about cost savings from digital therapeutics and prescription digital therapeutics from payer and provider perspectives.
Grappelli’s Smile
"...Then twenty years swing by and I’m riffing chords on my father’s old D’Angelico, Grappelli’s photo clipped to the stand, an image captured the night he owned the ballroom stage, me on the dance floor..."
Our Psychiatric Workplace Must Be a Labor of Love
Psychiatrists and mental health clinicians need to take better care of themselves. The best way to do so? Love.
Durability of DTx and PDTs
Drs Whittle and Podesta discuss the durability and stability of DTx and PDT treatment.
Comparing PDTs With More Conventional Therapies
Medical authorities detail how PDTs are compared with other, more conventional treatment modalities in behavioral health.
"I'm thinking about how good it is to have been sick, to have been turned inside out..."
Even Freud Underestimated Nazi Germany
Why did it take Freud so long to leave Nazi-invaded Austria? Much like Freud, we may not understand all the risks around us.
The Intersection of Cancer and Mental Health
Treating both cancer and mental health can be difficult. Here's why it's important to do so collaboratively.
Cannabis: Separating the Conversation on CBD and THC
CBD and THC? What's the difference and why does it matter?
Using PDTs Evidence to Explain the FDA Approval Process
Scott Whittle, MD, uses his knowledge and experiences as a payer—with the help of the other panelists—to explain how the FDA uses gathered evidence to make decisions on approvals for PDTs.
Monitoring Patients Through DTx and PDTs
Clinicians, pharmacists, and payers discuss how DTx and PDTs are monitored—for access, efficacy, adherence, and more.
Advice from a Raindrop
"You think you’re too small to make a difference?"
Psilocybin: The Complicated Conversation
The resistance against "magic mushrooms"—is it justified?