February 7th 2025
"When she steps onto the front porch, sun shimmies through the tips of her hair, the V of her legs, fans out like wings under her arms..."
February 5th 2025
Explore the theme of mortality and the fleeting nature of time in a poem inspired by Stoic philosophy and personal reflection.
January 31st 2025
"No matter, Hattie: It’s a long, beautiful walk into that flower-smothered standing ovation, so go on and make them wait."
January 24th 2025
"What did I know, what did I know of love’s austere and lonely offices?"
January 17th 2025
"In my poem, says another, I can forget I am forgotten. Now I understand being misunderstood..."
A psychiatrist finds the recent Supreme Court decision unbecoming...
My Heart Leaps Up
"The Child is father of the Man..."
A psychiatrist mourns as he reflects on the Supreme Court decision....
Border Boy
"It is not a place out there but a place in here. I catch on its barbed wire in both places."
Tragedy Times Two
A psychiatrist reflects on the 2 recent tragedies at sea...
Our Medical Marriage
"I sit with my half-filled glass and a life we knew we were choosing..."
A Happy Juneteenth
A psychiatrist poetically reflects on Juneteenth...
Letter to AI
"But you who know all will never comprehend our resentment of perfection, the flawlessness you take for granted..."
On the Hospital Bed
"...this memory held on chest, in hand..."
A psychiatrist shares his thoughts and reflections after an inaugural poem receives a "warning"...
"Our Medical Marriage"
"Scores of textbooks later we’re a pair of pagers and missed dinners, companions in sleep-deprived nights."
The Morning After the Most Recent Shooting I Saw
"I am not comforted by the morning after the night."
Remembering a Musical Legend
A psychiatrist reflects on the passing of a music legend.
Hospital Food
"We lower a plastic tray on his ribs as if food can stop the dying..."
Dismantling Structures Through Creativity
How can creativity help dismantle racist structures?
A psychiatrist reflects on the deviations in today's world...
"Nothing is so beautiful as Spring..."
A psychiatrist reflects on the death of Jordan Neely, only a couple of weeks after his murder...
Influential Figures
In honor of Mother's Day...
Geography of the Forehead
"Everyone thinks the brain is so complicated, but let’s look at the facts."
"Hospital Food"
Seasoned Pistachio
Our Nation’s Zoo
"life, liberty, and happiness pursue survival hanging in the distance..."
The Bass
"I had no expectation though of actually catching a fish when somehow we did."
One Dimensional
"And I believe that the current state of America is seeing rivers of red minus the white and blue..."
Trivial Times
A psychiatrist reflects on trivial times...
"Migrants pay for safety. We pay people to believe that what we tell them is true, especially when we have spared them the hardest facts to hold."
Good Bones
"Life is short, though I keep this from my children."
Letting Go
When faced with struggles, stress, and burnout, sometimes the best medicine is simply letting go...
" father’s spade saving last year’s mud, a long-tined rake, the swan-neck hoe..."